[RBS] update on Raphael Asher Yitzchak ben Chassie

[RBS] update on Raphael Asher Yitzchak ben Chassie

britstownjew britstownjew at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 13 13:45:30 IST 2009

Right now Raphael Asher Yitzchak ben Chassie remains steady, very little change in movement though there is some. No more pneumonia, he seems to be maintaining his health but remains in the coma. The doctors are happy with his stable condition and his colour looks good. These days they are sitting him propped up in a "lounge" chair for a short while each day. Sunday while sitting in the chair his wife asked him to move his head to the left which he immediately did. It was difficult to tell if this was coincidence or real response, but if there's a pattern and he can respond, then it'll repeat itself.  She has also started playing music to him on a small DVD player and he seems to be listening though it's difficult to say for sure. We remain hopeful and optimistic.

His wife and children extend their heartfelt thanks to all who are davening for him. Please keep davening for a full refuah shleima.


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