[RBS] New course by Orli Malkiel: Hassidut and spiritual renewal " B'Maagal Hashana"

[RBS] New course by Orli Malkiel: Hassidut and spiritual renewal " B'Maagal Hashana"

engelberg@ieee.org whyvette.e at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 22:49:35 IST 2009

Please reply to: MaTaN Beit Shemesh <matanbeitshemesh at gmail.com>
MaTaN Beit Shemesh, invites you to join an inspiring new course...

Hassidut and Spiritual Renewal -  "Hassidut B'Maagal Hashana"
Insights from Hassidic writings that inspire and guide us to personal change
and growth.

The workshops will be given by Orli Malkiel in Hebrew.

Sunday mornings: 9 – 10:15
Venue: Netzach Menashe, Rechov Reuven, Givat Sharett

Cost: 700NIS for the year or 400 per semester.

Orli Malkiel has an MA in Tanach and an MA as an Educational Guidance
Counselor. She combines her psychology background and deep knowledge of
Jewish texts to empower the participants in her shiurim and workshops to
deal with life's challenges and to use them as opportunities for personal
and spiritual growth.

RSVP to matanbeitshemesh at gmail.com

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