[RBS] please daven

[RBS] please daven

Ilana Bronfeld lanz54 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 18 23:29:11 IST 2009

My grandfather, Yaakov Yitzchak _en Bryna,  just got diagnosed today with a malignant form of pancreatic cancer, and does not have a very good prognosis.  There is not much that the doctors can really do at this point, considering that he is, bli ayin hara, approaching his 89th birthday this week, and he has other medical issues that may interfere with treatment.  Tefillah is, as always, the best option available.  Please have him in mind for a refua shleima.
Also, a friend of mine, Shifra Bracha _as Mendel Frayd (not Frayda), recently had a baby and then got some kind of an infection and last I heard was on a respirator and not doing so well-- also needs our tefillos for a refua shleima.
Thank you so much-- tizku l'mitzvos!

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