[RBS] post-birth mother's helper needed ASAP (oh, and mazal tov)

[RBS] post-birth mother's helper needed ASAP (oh, and mazal tov)

Miriam Druyan miriam.druyan at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 10:22:25 IST 2009

1. Mazal tov to Gilon and Gav Gobrin on the birth of a delicious little boy!

2. In a very related story, looking for a part-time helper to assist
with childcare and some housekeeping for the next several weeks, in
exchange for payment or room and board or some combination of those
things. Lovely people, cute kids, fun atmosphere.

Please don't email, since most of our hospitals aren't yet up to
providing wifi and laptops for the new baby patients, but rather call

Thank you in advance, and tizku lemitzvos!!


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