[RBS] Teenage Girls - calling all 14-19 year olds

[RBS] Teenage Girls - calling all 14-19 year olds

sheina berkowitz sheinac at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 25 11:41:45 IST 2009

Shalom to the Moms of teenage girls.  Please read this and encourage your daughter(s) to write.  The magazine is read by many and is very inspiring for girls in USA to see what we do here.
Are you a teenage girl who does chessed here in the community?  or on another community?
If so. would you like to be interviewed for SHOSHANIM - a beautiful teenage girls' magazine?
If you could answer some of these questions in writing or write it in composition form, and send them to me ASAP  with your phone number, I will then take your picture.  can be alone or with a group of other girls who do chessed.

What exactly do you do?
How did you get involved? 
How much time is involved, and how do you find the time what with school and homework (or are Israeli girls lucky and don’t get piled with homework like the girls in America do?)
Do you enjoy the work?
How do needy families find out about it?
How do you do it so they don’t feel ashamed?
Are there any side benefits to this (such as, do you make new friends, or do you feel like you’re contributing something meaningful)?
What other chesed or gmach organizations exist (this might be something to ask the adults there as the teenagers might not know. This might not be part of the interview, just kind of an introduction or an aside)
Thank you so much for your time and effort - and for your article.
Feel free to write or call with any questions.
Sheina Carlebach Berkowitz

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