[RBS] Switch over to winter clothing and help a bat sherut in a Lmaan Achai style mitzvah

[RBS] Switch over to winter clothing and help a bat sherut in a Lmaan Achai style mitzvah

Adina and Charles Rosenstein cr1818 at netvision.net.il
Wed Oct 28 22:13:40 IST 2009

An RBS-A bat sherut(see bottom of email)is trying to hold a mini Shemeshop(a 
quote from her mother, not me) for a day, in the neighborhood that she is 
doing her shnat sheirut in. (We should be proud of this attempt to spread 
Lmaan Achai style chesed) I just used that as the push to clean out a 
clothing closet and toy closet to donate clothes, toys and a knapsack. I was 
told they particularly want winter kids clothing to offer to the residents 
of the neighborhood.
So, when you are going through last years' kids clothing and coats and have 
bags of stuff that don't fit your kids anymore and you don't need to store 
them, contact the Fishauts  (999-6339)to arrange to get the bags to them. 
Don't wait for the last minute. Remember, all this stuff has to get to this 
neighborhood in Tel Aviv. I think they are planning on holding the bazar on 
Tizku lmitzvot and clean closets, (and good health, of course)

>> My daughter is in Sherut Leumi in a poor neighborhood in Tel Aviv
>> (Shapira).
>> She is collecting winter clothes, shoes, games & books for a bazar to
>> raise money for neighborhood programs. The idea is also to allow 
>> residents
>> to purchase these items at a nominal price.
>> Articles which you'd like to donate can be dropped off this week at our
>> home
>> Nahal Shimshon 14/2 RBS.  Please call if you have any questions.>>
>> TIA,
>> Shalom & Linda Fishhaut
>> 999-6339

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