[RBS] second try - long shot - lost on 417 or at bus stop

[RBS] second try - long shot - lost on 417 or at bus stop

britstownjew britstownjew at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 29 11:06:41 IST 2009

My son was on the 417 between 11pm and 12pm Thursday night 22 October.  When he got home he discovered that his army ID was gone.  He had it when he got on the bus.  Egged do not have it and the police do not have it.

Parents. please ask your children if maybe (a long shot, I know but we are desperate) one of your children saw it at the bus stop opposite Dil V Zol and maybe picked it It is a green holder and they may not now the importance of it.  Could also b e that someone picked it up and put it somewhere in the Shull and forgot about it.

If  you have seen it, have it, or know who may have it, please please call Shmuel 054 568 2695.

Thanks in advance

Desperate mommy

<font face="arial" color="#80ff00"><em><font color="#bfbf00">&nbsp;Do it right the first time - make the wise choice&nbsp; when painting your home &nbsp;&nbsp;</font></em></font><font face="arial" color="#80ff00"><em><font color="#1b2c48">&nbsp;&nbsp; phone&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&#39;Just now&nbsp; Painter&nbsp;&#39; &nbsp;Shmuel&nbsp;</font><font color="#8b8b8b">0545-682-695</font>.<font color="#60bf00"> </font><font color="#ff0000"><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR:transparent;"></span>
<em><font color="#ff0000"><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="mailto:jnpshmuel at yahoo.com">&nbsp;jnpshmuel at yahoo.com</a></font></em>


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