[RBS] Unsolicited Rec for night of stars

[RBS] Unsolicited Rec for night of stars

Elli & Leora edavids at neto.net.il
Fri Sep 4 09:33:33 IDT 2009

I love to watch tallented Jewish women perform, but I want to tell you why 
Night of Stars is different from other talent nights.

Judy Clark and her committee of stage producers don't just take a talent and 
put it on stage.  They wisely integrate a number of different talents to 
make the acts versatile and interesting.  An example of this was at the last 
Night of Stars where they had a tap dance troop, dancing in the same act as 
gymnasts doing cartwheels and walking on their hands; Gennendy Radolf 
juggled bowling pins while walking across that same act and if I'm not 
mistaken the whole thing was accompanied by a few insanely talented singers 
and musicians!

Yes, they take those women and girls who audition and create acts including 
a number of different talents.

One's eyes just don't know where to look first!  But it is all coordinated 
professionally and it is done this way to give you maximum talent 
performance in less time...and to ensure that nobody could possibly be 
bored.    The experience is all the more brilliant when all these talents 
come together with fantastic choreography.

The show includes professionals, semi-professionals and acts from chugim 
groups from all over B/RBS.  It is a good way for newcomers to see what is 
available in this town in terms of entertainment and enrichment.  Being that 
the show includes all kinds of women and girls it really is an expression of 
unity and a rare event which  brings the whole community together in mutual 
appreciation and in promoting a worthy cause.

This is the type of show you are in for at this coming Night of Stars.  I 
have heard that the flow of the show is very tight with minimum time in 
between acts and that the MC has a minimalistic script.  Each half of the 
should take under 35 minutes with a short intermission and everyone should 
be heading home by about 9:30 so it won't be a thrill you will regret the 
following day.

Treat yourself and your daughters to this wonderful Night of Stars and help 
support Melabev whilst doing so.  Tsedakka has never been this fun!

(Tuesday, Sept.8th, 7:15pm further details Judy Clark 9997870 
edclaw at bezeqint.net)

Leora Davids
women's talent connoisseur

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