[RBS] Recordings Of Elul Shiurim

[RBS] Recordings Of Elul Shiurim

Limudei Lottie limudeilottie at bezeqint.net
Wed Sep 16 23:11:18 IDT 2009

Did you miss any of our exciting Elul Shiurim?  Would you still like a 
chance to be inspired before Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur?
Well you still can!  The Shiurim are available for download (except Reb. 
Heller which can be acquired through Simchat Yechiel)

Just send an email to limudeilottie at bezeqint.net and let us know which 
shiur you want and we will send you the link.  It's as simple as that!

Mrs. Peninah Rothman - What are we doing when we Daven (1rst 7 minutes 
of the shiur are missing)

Rabbi Hillel Horovitz - Highlights of Sefer Yonah

Mrs. Yehudis Landau - Tehillim 27 - L'Dovid Hashem Ori

Rabbi Aharon Lubling - The Seder Avoda of Yom Kippur (Have a machzor handy)

Mrs. Sara Yocheved Rigler - Battle Plans - Defeating the Yetzer Hora of 
Sadness and Guilt

There is a suggested donation of 15 NIS for this service

For up-to-date information about what is happening at Limudei Lottie go 
to our website http://sites.google.com/limudeilottie

Shana Tova Everyone!

Chana & Leya

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