[RBS] update on Raphael Asher Yitzchak ben "Chassie

[RBS] update on Raphael Asher Yitzchak ben "Chassie

britstownjew britstownjew at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 22 15:41:56 IDT 2009

I apologise for the delay in sending an update.  At present there is no change.  The doctors brought him out of the medically induced coma and he has still not woken up.  At present he is breathing on his own but that is all.  Top brain doctors in America agree with the doctors in South Africa that other than the part of the part wich controls the heart beat, breathing etc, the brain is dead.  Only a miracle can help. 

Please keep davening, saying tehillim, giving tzedokka - whatever it takes - for a miracle to happen.

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   jnpshmuel at yahoo.com


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