[RBS] Polly Pockets with removable wigs + Storage container

[RBS] Polly Pockets with removable wigs + Storage container

Shlomo and Batsheva Singer bsheva at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 24 12:18:31 IDT 2009

I am down to the last 4 Polly pocket dolls, I have 4 left, but these ones have sheitals!!! Brown and blond wigs as well as a few funky colored ones!  The dolls each have at least one outfit and shoes, I would prefer to sell them as a set with the Adorable Storable container that keeps all your pollys together!!  180NIS for everything

they will definitely keep your kids occupied on Yom Kippur!!! 

Call Now, first come first served!!

Batsheva Singer

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