[RBS] on having seminary girls for 'second day'...

[RBS] on having seminary girls for 'second day'...

Miriam Druyan miriam.druyan at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 13:49:18 IST 2009

In this season of light and mitzvos and so on... I see that a few
people are posting that they have seminary girls (or yeshiva guys) who
need 'second day' meals, for the first day of chol hamoed for those of
us fortunate enough to call Eretz Yisroel home.

We 'make second day' every year for these kids (many of them my
husband's students) and I cannot tell you how grateful they are.

It doesn't have to be fancy. It can be leftovers. It can be a chulent
you threw together along with ample challah and chumus. You can order
pizza (they really like that). You can make pancakes. You can use your
six month old matza to make matza brei. It's yuntiv for them, remember
- they can come over and cook WITH you.

But giving them them a feeling of family, a feeling of yuntiv is
something so precious to them, even if in the background your neighbor
is blasting the latest YBC album (not that there's anything wrong with
that), even if you occasionally have to answer a phone call with a
hearty "Good yuntiv!"

The first day of chol hamoed most of us don't get our act together to
get out of the house on tiyul anyway. Think about it!

This has been a public service announcement on behalf of the 5000
yeshiva/seminary students here this year.  And yes, we're already
having quite a few girls over for second day meals and (switch to tiny
font) if you really really really really need a spot for more, you can
call and see if we still have room!

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