[RBS] Connections Magazine Iyar Issue - your participation requested

[RBS] Connections Magazine Iyar Issue - your participation requested

david drstern at 013.net
Sat Apr 10 21:29:58 IDT 2010

Hi Connections readers

This afternoon, at Shabbat lunch, I heard an interesting aliya story and it got me thinking that there was never a Connections issue dedicated to aliya stories. And with Iyar having both Yom Haatzmaut and Yom Yerushalayim, it seems appropriate for this month.

do you have an aliya story to share? Could be a vignette or a longer story. Could be how and when you decided to make aliya (the story I heard today), pilot trip or something that happened upon arriving.

There is no minimum or maximum length but I would need it by the end of the week in order to get it in.

Please send it to editor at connectionsmag.co.il

thanks in advance
David Stern
Editor, Connections Magazine
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