[RBS] NEW in RBS-Learn Torah/Free Bagels-Begins THIS Wednesday!

[RBS] NEW in RBS-Learn Torah/Free Bagels-Begins THIS Wednesday!

Harry greenspan rabbispan at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 12 23:21:35 IDT 2010

Join us as we kick off the BTYA Summer Z'man!

Wednesday, Rosh Chodesh Iyar, you 
are invited to join us for a pre-morning
Seder breakfast in honor of 
the new z'man.
The BTYA Kollel will be learning 
 Maseches Nedarim this coming z'man,  

If a person or 
chavrusa-pair wishes  to commit at least 2 hours a morning
 to this 
learning, Rav Malinowitz will be a personal sho'el u'mayshiv for
zeman, providing the main mar'ai mekomos that would enable you to keep up
 with the Kollel and join in its learning. 

It is an 
extraordinary opportunity to learn in Kollel - without a stipend,
 with Talmidei Chachomim guiding you, and without having to commit to a full
 Kollel schedule. 
 "Kollel" isn't for you, try out Rabbi Maslin's Intermediate Iyun shiur,
 9-10 AM each weekday morning.
If you want to work on
 your "skills," check out Rabbi Greenspan's Gemara Skills shiur. 
Contact Rabbispan at yahoo.com for more information.
Daf Yomi shiur
 is given from 9-10 AM, and at an hour before Tefillas Mincha
Looking for a Chavrusa? Contact Naftali 
Rischall at cpa at post.com or

 under the guidance of HoRav Malinowitz, is located in RBS A, at Nachal 
Refaim 34A, corner of Luz.

For more information, or to hear 
recorded shiurim, visit our Web site at www.btya.org.

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