[RBS] Tefilla request

[RBS] Tefilla request

Yehuda and Rebecca Poch butrfly at actcom.co.il
Tue Apr 13 14:04:15 IDT 2010

Please forward this request to all lists, and post it on the yeshiva’s 
tefilla list.

Sharon Sara bat Miriam Mira is a 30-year-old woman, who as injured in a 
terrorist attack in Jerusalem 8 years ago. She recovered from her 
injuries, got married, and gave birth to two children who are now 4 and 
1.5 years old. Her husband was wounded in action during the Second 
Lebanon War.

Sharon was diagnosed with cancer three years ago, but fought it off. In 
the past few months, though, the cancer has returned, worse than before. 
She is scheduled for surgery on April 18.

Sharon is a quiet and shy person, who smiles all the time despite her 
pain and her illness. She has been the pillar of support her husband 
needed after suffering injury and battle shock four years ago, and has 
proven to be an amazing mother to her children.

Please include her name in your tefillot – particularly for the next 2-3 
weeks, but afterwards as well.

Sharon Sara bat Miriam Mira

*Yehuda Poch, Director of Communications*

*OneFamily Fund - Helping Israel's Victims of Terror*

28 Rachel Imenu, POB 8573, Jerusalem, Israel 93228

Phone: (972) 2-539-9000, Fax: (972) 2-539-9011

Direct Line: (972)2-539-9010, Cell: (972) 54-499-7624

*yehuda at OneFamilyFund.org* <mailto:yehuda at OneFamilyFund.org> 
*www.OneFamilyFund.org* <http://www.onefamilyfund.org/>

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<https://secure.onefamilyfund.org/> now.

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