[RBS] E.F.T . Workshop A on Monday evening

[RBS] E.F.T . Workshop A on Monday evening

RivkaS natural_diagnosis at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 8 14:15:51 IDT 2010

             E.F.T. - Emotional Freedom Therapy Workshop
                       2 meeting workshop
                            For Women

The Basic

will be  given in monday evening 9/8 at 20:oo
in Nachal Zohar 4/8  - "The Center for Iyengar-yoga"
                 Duration 2+ hours                  

Chakra Cleaning, overcoming depression and more

will be given the next week

         by the Naturopathy RIvka Shargal Cert.
                   the owner of NATURAL DIAGNOSIS CLINIC
          The Center for Natural Medicine
The workshop will be given in Hebrew with English translation as needed.

Practice video will be screened during the evening. Video is in English

Entrance: 50 NIS (per meeting)    Reference booklet will be given

To ensure your place please call cell. 0548421963
A limited number of places

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