[RBS] Cricket Chug in Ramat Beit Shemesh

[RBS] Cricket Chug in Ramat Beit Shemesh

Michael Barnett michael at rankabove.com
Tue Aug 10 12:08:48 IDT 2010

Cricket in Bet Shemesh - The Future
After a successful short cricket chug held in the rama at the beginning of
the summer vacation and following the successful creation and the ongoing
sustainment of the Ra'anana and Modi'in cricket groups, it makes sense to
start a group in Bet Shemesh. I would like to meet all the parents and the
children in the next few weeks to discuss creating a weekly, sustainable
cricket chug in Bet Shemesh and for the Bet Shemesh players to compete
against all our junior players, (Modi'in, Tel Aviv, Ra'anana, Netanya, Lod
and the teams down in the Negev).
I would like to have a weekly chug up and running after Succot, which gives
us about 5 weeks to create.
In order for us to run a successful chug, we need a basketball court or even
better a double basketball court. If anyone has any friends in the Iriya,
please inform me as I would ideally like to run the chug through the Iriya.
In the meantime, I would like to come to Bet Shemesh next week in the
evening to run a session and meet some parents to discuss this further. If
you know of an empty basketball court that we can use, please inform me. I
am hoping Wednesday 25th will be convenient for all.
You can visit our website via:
If any parent is interested in assisting with coaching, we run a 10 hour
coaching course that is endorsed by the European Cricket Council.

Herschel Gutman
National Cricket Development Officer
herschelgutman at gmail.com

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