[RBS] Interviews for new Social skills groups starting shortly (Partners with Parents)

[RBS] Interviews for new Social skills groups starting shortly (Partners with Parents)

Gayle Shimoff gayle at partnerswithparents.org.il
Sun Aug 15 23:42:12 IDT 2010

Partners with Parents is pleased to announce that we are opening 4 new
social skills groups for the new school year.  
Our groups are geared for Anglo - Israeli children and teens who attend
mainstream education in dati schools. 
On Monday evenings we will be having a group for 7th and 8th grade boys from
18:30 - 19:30 and then a group for teenage boys in grades 10 -12 starting at
19:40. Both of these groups will be run by educational psychologist Dr
Shimon Solnica. 

On Wednesday afternoons we will have two groups for children in grades 4 - 6
At 16:30 for girls and at 17:45 for boys. These groups will be run by
educational psychologist Dr. Debbie Rubel. 
Both Dr. Solnica and Dr. Rubel work as psychologist for Psychological
Services of Beit Shemesh. 
These groups will take place in my home office in Nofei Aviv, Beit Shemesh,
beginning in October BUT registration is beginning NOW. We will starting our
initial consultations/ interviews with the psychologists on August 29th (by
appointment only). 
The link for all the information about the new social skills groups is:
Best wishes, 
PS. I would like to invite you to sign up for our e-newsletter so you can
receive our monthly newsletters and announcements about our programs and 
Services. Just click on the sign up button on our homepage at www
Gayle S Shimoff, MA 
Learning Disabilities and Reading Specialist 
gayle at partnerswithparents.org.il 
Partners with Parents, R"A, A non profit organization in Israel 
"Helping children with learning disabilities in Israel succeed!" 
Phone: 972-2-999-4817, 
Fax: 1-532-999-4817 
Toll Free from the USA: 1-866-563-6915 

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