[RBS] Experienced tutor Relaxed, Patient, Creative , and Affordable.

[RBS] Experienced tutor Relaxed, Patient, Creative , and Affordable.

jewishman88 jewishman88 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 29 20:43:22 IDT 2010

I am currently in my third year of Machon Herzog studying towards a degree in education while studying in the Lev Hatorah semicha program after a number of years studying in various other yeshivas. As an Oleh and having completed my army service I am fully capable and would be more than happy to learn with your child in English or Hebrew, leimude kodesh or limudei chol, right here in ramat bet shemesh aleph! Feel free to contact me at gadi86_il at yahoo.com, or by phone 0526862267 for further details and/or references. 
Have a beautiful year 
Gedaliah Goldstein 

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