[RBS] Items still left from Yard Sale

[RBS] Items still left from Yard Sale

shalom lerner lerner8 at bezeqint.net
Mon Aug 30 01:03:42 IDT 2010

Those who came seemed to be very happy with what they found at our Yard
Sale, but we still have left Sefarim, books , school books, tapes, dvd's,
two heaters and other items.   We are leaving it out in the garden of our
house until Thursday, so feel free to come any time and have a look and take
whatever is going.   No charge - just donate whatever you like to either one
(or all) of the following three local charities:  Va'ad Hachesed Givat
Sharet, Lemaan Achai and Yeshivat Hesder Beit Shemesh.

Shana Tova!

Shalom and Evelyn Lerner
Rechov Reuven 41 (new number), Givat Sharet

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