[RBS] CLARIFICATION - There is No Hechsher on the Take-Out Food Being Sold in the Shul

[RBS] CLARIFICATION - There is No Hechsher on the Take-Out Food Being Sold in the Shul

Beis Tefilla Yonah Avraham (BTYA) Information info2 at btya.org
Fri Dec 17 10:01:47 IST 2010


As of today (10 Tevet), there is no longer any hashgacha at all on the
take-out food being sold in the downstairs of Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham.


If he gets a hashgacha in the future, make sure to check if it is a
hashgachah on the food sold HERE (which would include that the delivery and
packing and unpacking is done under hashgachah as well), or only a
hashgachah on  food made in Ashdod (and no hashgachah that the food sold
here is the food made in Ashdod).


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