[RBS] Rebbetzin Machlis Shiur Tomorrrow - CANCELLED for this week

[RBS] Rebbetzin Machlis Shiur Tomorrrow - CANCELLED for this week

Elie mayer mayerfamilyemail at gmail.com
Sat Dec 18 23:08:08 IST 2010

Rebbetzin Henny Machlis is unable to give her popular shiur this
Sunday morning.  Be'ezrat Hashem, the shiur will resume next Sunday,
December 26 - the 19th of Tevet.  The shiur takes place WEEKLY at
Tiferet which is located
at 2 NachalShimshon.  A suggested donation of 15 NIS may be left with
the secretary.

Rebbetzin Henny Machlis is a renown Tzadekes.  Famous for hosting hundreds
of guests in her home in Yerushalayim each Shabbat, feeding their bodies
with delicious Shabbat food and their souls with inspiring Torah, Rebbetzin
Machlis, together with her husband, HaRav Mordechai Machlis, shlita, have
brought hundreds of thousands of Jews  from all over the world closer to
Torah and Mitzvot- many of them experiencing their first Shabbos at
the Machlis home.

Please see the links below to articles written by Rebbetzin Sara Yocheved
Rigler about Rebbetzin Machlis and featured at Aish.com and an article
featured in the Jerusalem Post.


All donations go towards the Machlis tzedaka fund, Chesed L'Orchim.  Of
course, any larger donation will be appreciated and help relieve some of the
immense financial burden from their Shabbat hospitality.

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