[RBS] The Plan to UNLOCK the RBS A Mercaz

[RBS] The Plan to UNLOCK the RBS A Mercaz

Aryeh Sonnenberg aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com
Thu Dec 23 12:25:48 IST 2010


Several concerned, active members of the community have developed a plan to
pressure the local government into making the parking situation in the RBS A
Mercaz a high priority on their agenda.

We have developed the following petition, and we request that you:

a) Sign it and forward it to all of your friends. Do NOT assume that because
they get the local email lists that they already read this. Forward it
directly yourself, please.

b) Click the Facebook "Like" button at the top left corner.

c) Write back if you can give an hour or two in the Mercaz with written


THE PETITION TEXT (in Hebrew on the site, too):
The parking situation in the Merkaz Mischari of Ramat Bet Shemesh-Aleph is
untenable.  On any given day, dozens of parking spaces are occupied by the
rental car companies (not illegal, unfortunately), while potential store
patrons are forced to circle around searching for parking to no avail, or
park far from the stores and carry their bags (and children) long distances.

According to the City's Traffic and Transportation Committee, one parking
space services up to 90 customers a day. By using 36 spots (or more!), the
rental car companies are preventing over 3,000 people from parking their
vehicles in the Merkaz, each day.

To read the rest, visit www.atzuma.co.il/rbsmercaz

Then, Sign it, Like it, and Give an hour of your time.

Aryeh Sonnenberg
"The Land is Very, Very Good"

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