[RBS] baruch dayan ha'emes

[RBS] baruch dayan ha'emes

Riva Pomerantz joelriva at bezeqint.net
Thu Dec 30 15:10:38 IST 2010

In a very unfortunate and unexpected orchestration of the Dayan HaEmes, my
wonderful in-laws, Larry and Phylis Pomerantz, who came to Israel to
celebrate with us the birth of our precious son, b"H, just got the news that
their respective sisters passed away, a couple of days apart from each
other. They will both be sitting shivah in our house, Nachal Uriah 12/4,
tonight through Wednesday morning. If you can help out with a minyan in the
mornings or stop by to spend a little time getting to know my in-laws, it
would be very much appreciated.


May we hear besuros tovos,


Joel & Riva Pomerantz


Write on. Visit www.rivapomerantz.com!



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