[RBS] Tomorrow! Megilat Esther - Dr. Avigail Rock's class

[RBS] Tomorrow! Megilat Esther - Dr. Avigail Rock's class

engelberg@ieee.org whyvette.e at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 21:55:56 IST 2010

Please reply to: MaTaN Beit Shemesh <matanbeitshemesh at gmail.com>

For women - Please join us this Monday evening (22Feb)...

8:15 - 9:15pm.
For a shiur on Megillat Esther by Dr. Avigail Rock
In English!
Please bring a Tanach.

Suggested donation 30NIS (if you are not signed up for the shiur on Melachim
1, The Stories of Eliyahu)

The home of Jennifer Airley:  RECHOV YAVNE 10/1 (previously called Nachal
Directions: If you are travelling down Nachal Tzeelim on your way out of RBS
(ie: towards road 38) then take the first turn to the right. That is Nachal
David. It is a brick paved road. You are going to the last house on the
right side! You need to go up the staircase to the entrance of the house.

Evida Fenster

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