[RBS] Come Join Our Open Events

[RBS] Come Join Our Open Events

Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham info2 at btya.org
Wed Feb 24 23:14:28 IST 2010


BTYA invites you to join us for any or all of the following Purim events:

* Festive Kabbolas Shabbos - Carlebach, Modzitz, and a lot in between.
Mincha starts at 5:19 PM. Come see our brand, new Aron Kodesh, and get a
kick of the Purim decorations!

* Night Megilla Readings - 6:50 and 8:20 (for women) PM, each starting with

* Purim Mesiba - starting at around 11 PM, we'll be having a Carlebach
Kumsitz, with a special, best-selling guest star. Ari Goldwag on the music,
together with the Holy Brothers band. Bring your instrument and BYOB.

* Day Megilla Readings - 7:40 and 9:30 (for women) AM

Puriam Sameach LeKuuuuulam!

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