[RBS] 2 questions - ride to Rova from Beit Shemesh every evening , 2. list in Hebrew

[RBS] 2 questions - ride to Rova from Beit Shemesh every evening , 2. list in Hebrew

lauren ron openheartmusic2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 4 12:26:06 IST 2010

posting for a friend
we are looking for a ride home to Beit Shemesh from the Rova every day for our son who learns there, at about 17:00/18:00. Also if there is someone going in the mornings that way from Beit Shemesh it would be great too.
Is there ia list in Hebrew for the whole of beit Shemsesh

mail: elitay at neto.net
Phone 656 8060 - Chavi
050 330 1683 -

Tizku Lemitzvot!

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