[RBS] ride needed Thursdays from Jerusalem to RBS A for one girl - regularly

[RBS] ride needed Thursdays from Jerusalem to RBS A for one girl - regularly

Yehuda & Leora Chana Greenman greenman at netmedia.net.il
Mon Jan 4 17:09:21 IST 2010

I need to get my 12 year old daughter from Jerusalem to RBS A every Thrusday
for the next 6-8 weeks.

I can get her to anywhere in Pisgat Zev, French Hill, Ramat Eschol, Givat
HaMivtar, or Ramot by about 2:45 ish.

Can anyone help me out?

I prefer not to send her by bus alone at that time. I would send her with
someone else on the bus.


If needed, I can pay some

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