[RBS] Maale films night Motzaey Shabat, January 9th at 21:00

[RBS] Maale films night Motzaey Shabat, January 9th at 21:00

shalem shalemm at bezeqint.net
Thu Jan 7 23:36:01 IST 2010

Saturday night  January 9th at 9pm Maale films night .25 NIS per ticket

I'm ready 2009 (fiction): The special relationship between an elderly father
and his Down syndrome son breaks down when the father's memory begins to
fail due to the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
The collapse of their stable and happy routine force upon the two a painful
resolution of their problems
Tikun Chatzot 2009:(documentary) when I was little and people used to ask me
what my Dad did, I told them he was a vegetable retailer.  The neighborhood
kids would laugh at me, knowing that he ran a simple market stall in the
local shouk.
As an adult, I have taken my camera with me out to the market in my search
of my lost connection with my father.  I have discovered a world which is
both extraordinary and authentic.

Limo Amani (fiction) 2009: film about the conflicts between a father and his
daughter from persian origin


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