[RBS] Shiur Given by Rabbi Chaim Goldberger on The 6 Steps of Bitachon

[RBS] Shiur Given by Rabbi Chaim Goldberger on The 6 Steps of Bitachon

ashenrus1 neshoma at bezeqint.net
Sat Jan 9 23:48:08 IST 2010

I have just uploaded an amazing shiur by Rabbi Chaim Goldberger the Rabbi of Knesseth Israel in St. Louis Park, Minneapolis given at Lenny and Gilly Solomon's home on the concept of Bitachon. The shiur will help one make ones' Bitachon work for you. The questions "Are you worried about the future? Are you having trouble making a living? Are you concerned about finding your soulmate or having your children find their soulmates?" are all answered by following the 6 step program.  The shiur can be downloaded in an mp3 format called "Rabbi Chaim Goldberger on The 6 Steps of Bitachon.mp3" at the following website http://www.slingfile.com/audio/9rBgZf4L08 for you to download and listen to. 

Shavua Tov and Enjoy

Reuven Ashenberg

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