[RBS] Chidon for Boys on Hilchos Beis HaKnesses - first shiur starts THIS Shabbos

[RBS] Chidon for Boys on Hilchos Beis HaKnesses - first shiur starts THIS Shabbos

Yosi yosi_613 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 14 21:30:44 IST 2010

TELL YOUR SONS The first shiur starts THIS SHABBOS!

On the Laws of the Beis HaKnesses

BE"H we will be hosting shiurim for boys (ages 7-12) on Hilchos Beis HaKnesses, leading up to a community-wide
Chidon (Halacha "Bee") on the material learned.

The shiurim will take place every Shabbos, starting THIS SHABBOS, Parshas Va'era until Parshas Truma.  
Boys can attend shiurim at:
Beis Tefilah Yonah Avraham (3pm-4pm)
Aish Kodesh (3:30pm-4:10pm)
if you would like to see the shiurim take place at your shul, feel free to contact me.

This SPECIAL CHIDON will take place on Motzaei Ta'anis Esther (7:15pm-9:00pm), on all the material learned in the shiurim and will be held at Beis Tefilah Yona Avraham (Nachal refaim 34).  All fathers and boys are welcome!
Curriculm will be based on the hebrew children's book published by Fedlheim titled "Beis Hashem Nelech"  (there is also an english version "Let's go to Shul").  The Author, Harav Yaakov Eisenbach Shlita, has graciously agreed to participate in the chidon and will prepare questions to ask the boys.

** The contest is open to all boys in the community **!!!

Raffle tickets will be distributed at each shiur, and the prizes will be given out to the winners at the Chidon.

Purpose of the Chidon is to teach our children the halachos of the Beis HaKnesses so that they show the proper Kavod and love for Hashem's Mikdash Me'At.

The Chidon is being sponsored by "Al Derech Burma," "Kangaroo," "Big Deal", and "Smiley", "Feldheim" and "Makom Matok".

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