[RBS] TOV joins the Mayor's Coalition

[RBS] TOV joins the Mayor's Coalition

mendyn mendy.newman at gmail.com
Sun Jan 17 19:09:43 IST 2010

Dear Friends,
We are excited to inform you of great news for TOV.
Last night we signed a coalition agreement with Mayor Abutbol.
We did this after the Mayor and the other members of the coalition (Shas, Degel Hatorah, Agudah, and Balaish) all enthusiastically urged us to join them.
By joining the Mayor's governing coalition we are now able to have full access to all areas of decision making in the city.

Additionally, we received the following "tikim" - areas that we are solely responsible for.

    * "Kidum Noar" - We now have a budget of 300,000 shekel which we can use at our discretion for projects related to improving the life of teenagers in the neighborhood. This can be within a school setting, shul setting, or independent events. The goal is to be proactive in preventing our children from following in the wrong path, Chas Vshalom. We hope with Hashems help to use this money wisely and effectively for this critical issue which we are all painfully aware of.

    * "Kishrei Chutz" - As the only party with English speaking representatives in the city council, we are now also responsible for relationships with Chutz La'aretz. This includes relationships our sister cities around the world and other organizations in Chul. We hope to use this vehicle to bring more business and investment into our community.

We hope and daven that we will be successful in our efforts and we thank you for all your support.
You can see a copy of the signed agreement at (http://lh6.ggpht.com/_kfngI5NndLY/S1NCdRSBJJI/AAAAAAAAACI/N-AlC-vm70U/s640/16012010058.jpg)

If you have any ideas for projects that fall in either of these categories please be in touch!

TOV Bet Shemesh

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