[RBS] Shchuna tomechet, supportive community

[RBS] Shchuna tomechet, supportive community

Adina and Charles Rosenstein cr1818 at netvision.net.il
Sun Jan 17 21:17:25 IST 2010

The Amutat Lemaan Hakashish Beit Shemesh offers a service called Shechuna Tomechet, a supportive community in addition to it's Mercaz Yom and homecare services.  The Shechuna Tomechet helps senior citizens who want to remain in their own homes.  It provides the member with 24 hour emergency call service, medical advice,  doctor home visits if necessary, ambulance.  It also provide an Av Bayit who does minor repairs in the senior's home.  Tiyulim, lectures, concerts are also included at subsidized prices.  For more information email me at KAP50 at netvision.net.il or call 9910882, 9917297. 
Annie Pomrantz
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