[RBS] tzedaka opportunity - local Bet Shemesh family

[RBS] tzedaka opportunity - local Bet Shemesh family

Aryeh Koenigsberg aryeh.koenigsberg at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 19:18:52 IST 2010


Aharon Babiyan, of Bar Ilan Street in Bet Shemesh,
is in need of charity to support his family (which includes
some medical conditions that are costly on a monthly
basis). He has asked me to solicit assistance from
list members.

Aharon has been making great efforts, for months already,
to stay employed, despite the fact that his teaching positions
have been dwindling due to the economy. (Aharon may well
be known to your children, since he serves ss a substitute
teacher at a number of schools around Bet Shemesh.)

Credit is due to Jack Kaminker, of Chemdat Hateva Store in
RBS A Shopping Center, for employing Aharon through the
more difficult times of the current economic slump.

Rabbi Daniel Myers, of Kehillat Menorat Hamaor in Ramat
Bet Shemesh, has written a letter of approbation for Aharon.

In particular, Aharon is feeling the pinch on account of a
large amount of back pay that one local educational
institution which has since closed, owes him -- on the order
of thousands of shekels..

Please consider joining me in giving a portion of your tzedaka
contributions to Aharon and his family. I'm happy to come to
you to pick up your donation, for delivery to Aharon.

Feel free to contact me for more information and for arranging
for a pick-up.

Tizku l'mitzvot!

Aryeh Koenigsberg

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