[RBS] Things are happening at AuctionIsrael.com - Save Money - Make Money

[RBS] Things are happening at AuctionIsrael.com - Save Money - Make Money

sara.lefkowitz sara at sizzlehost.com
Tue Jan 19 23:54:03 IST 2010

Visit the fast growing and only Anglo Auction Website in Israel!  New Items are being added and sold all day long.
We invite to list your items to sell on our site at no cost to you. 

If you are an individual or a business we have the solution for you.

You can choose to sell at fixed price or auction.   AuctionIsrael has just about every feature that eBay has plus a few more.   Even more important,  AuticonIsrael is tailored to fit the needs of over 250,000  of Anglo Israelis can use the site.

AuctionIsrael.com  is #1 on Google for Auction sites in Israel. That means if anyone is looking on the web for something to buy at auction they are likely to find your goods if you list with us. Also, If you have a business, You can also set up a store front with items at fixed price or auction with no programming.  It's very simple.  You can include as much detail and photos as you like.

List any ad or create a store for your business at cost to you.  Your buyers pay nothing to use our site.

Need a website to sell your goods?  AuctionIsrael is practically free compared to web design, web hosting, merchant accounts for credit cards, SSL security, and credit card processing.  We do it all for you, and we take care of all the technical details, backups, and security so you can just work on your product and your customers.

Just a few things that make Auction Israel better than any other site in Israel:

    * A fully modern automated system comparable to the features of eBay.
    * It's Anglo Israeli and it's Jewish.
    * Choose Instant online payment through PayPal,  cash or offline credit card to receive your money.
    * Fully integrated with PayPal to deposit funds directly to your Israeli credit card account and PayPal Worldwide.
    * Of course you can also buy and sell with cash if you do not use PayPal or credit cards.
    * 128bit SSL security protects your private information.
    * Secure and direct message system for questions without revealing your email address or phone.
    * No one gets between you and your customer, no waiting for someone else to contact your customer.
    * Use Photos and Videos to display your items or product.
    * Sell and deliver electronic goods like Ebooks and Software.
    * Open a store for your business with it's own short custom URL see:  http://Atarah.auctionisrael.com
    * We are number one on Google Search for any search using Auction and Israel.
    * We advertise to bring more customers to our site which brings you more customers.
We have used the latest technology to build our site as you will see when you visit.  All instant online transactions are handled by PayPal and all private data on AuctionIsrael is fully encrypted with 128bit SSL security to protect your privacy.   Your personal information is never revealed to anyone,  even potential buyers if or until you decide to make it available.   Yet potential customers can send you messages through our secure messaging system without knowing your real email address or other information. 

This could be your golden opportunity for a Parnassa of your own!

Take a test drive, sign up for a free account (no obligation, credit card or deposit needed) and get 100 nis credit to use on extra fancy features such as front page placement for your article or head of category listings!    You can turn the stuff in your machsan into cash, launch a home business,  sell surplus or used goods from your business.

You can even become a consignment reseller by opening  your own custom Free Trial Store on AuctionIsrael.com and taking items, cars, or whatever from people to photograph,  describe and list on our site for a profit.

Signup for a FREE Account today.  https://www.auctionisrael.com/register.php

At your Service!
Yitzi Lefkowitz
Ramat Bet Shemesh



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