[RBS] 60s Concert fundraiser for JobKatif - a big mitzvah!

[RBS] 60s Concert fundraiser for JobKatif - a big mitzvah!

Caroline Ofstein cofstein at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 22 00:42:37 IST 2010

Have a fun evening out and help raise money for a very worthy tzedaka.
A benefit concert "Tribute to the 60s" - is being held for JobKatif - a tzedaka to help the former residents of Gush Katif find parnassa.
The concert will be held at the Gush Etzion Matnas on Motzei Shabbath January 30th at 8:15.
Sponsor tickets are 200 shekels each
General admission is 85 shekels, youth/students/soldiers 65 shekels 
The government is matching all revenues one-to-one- so every shekel raised is really 2 shekels for JobKatif. So we would like to sell as many tickets as we possibly can - especially "Sponsor Tickets". 
The group are a four man band that have been playing together for 27 years - they cover songs from Elvis, the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Roy Orbison and lots more. The first show was great - don't miss this one! 
For tickets email debratabory at yahoo.com 993 1276 		 	   		  
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