[RBS] Dr. Fred Rosner in Bet Shemesh, Motsai Shabbat 30 January

[RBS] Dr. Fred Rosner in Bet Shemesh, Motsai Shabbat 30 January

Yossi Klein kleinyossi at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 24 11:19:29 IST 2010

On the occasion of
the fifth yahrzeit of our beloved founder and inspiration, Doris Mainzer z”l,
Keren Yosef is delighted and honored to host Dr. Fred Rosner, world-renowned
authority on Halacha and Medical Ethics, who will be delivering a shiur/lecture
l'ilui nishmata for the whole community on the subject:
ירפא – The Doctor's Duty to Heal, the Patient’s Duty to be Healed"
Please join us on
Motsai Shabbat Parshat Beshalach, 30 January, 16 Shevat, 8.15pm 
Bet Midrash Torani
Leumi (Rabbi David's shul), 
corner Rechov Reuven
/ Asher, Givat Sharet, Bet Shemesh
(No charge, no
jongin at neto.net.il (077 8240123)
Dr. Fred Rosner, Professor of
Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, is among the leading experts on
medicine and medical ethics in the world. He is the recipient of numerous
awards, including the American Medical Association’s Award for “Leadership in
Ethics and Professionalism, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the
Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists. He is an international authority on Jewish medical ethics, and author of nine widely acclaimed books in this field.
Dr. Rosner is also translator and editor of Rambam’s medical writings (seven
volumes), and is recognized as the foremost international authority on this
aspect of Rambam’s work. His works such as Biblical
and Talmudic Medicine (1993) and Modern
Medicine and Jewish Ethics (1991) are considered classics.


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