[RBS] Kol Hakavod for a Beautiful Event

[RBS] Kol Hakavod for a Beautiful Event

Avrohom Leventhal avrohom at lemaanachai.org
Sun Jan 31 08:57:40 IST 2010

"Y'yasher Cochachem" to RBSA Torah for
the wonderful Kidush HaShem this past Shabbos.

The community oneg/Tu B'shvat event brought together
Rabbonim and kehillos in an informal,enjoyable setting.

The Divrei Torah and singing were inspiring to all.

Thank you to the Rabbonim who came to support and share their thoughts. 
Thank you to the toshvei RBS
who came out on a Lail Shabbat(s) for achdus(t)!
And most of all....thank you R' Ari Rosenstien, R' Dovid Feinberg and R' 
Meir Arnold
for the idea as well as the implementation.

It was an honor and a pleasure to participate in such an evening.

May we be zoche through such random acts of Ahavas Chinam
to bring the geualh shleima!

Avrohom Leventhal & David Morris
Lema'an Achai

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