[RBS] Tehillim and extra kabbalah for Shabbos

[RBS] Tehillim and extra kabbalah for Shabbos

Ariel & Rachel Fish fish15 at bezeqint.net
Thu Jul 1 22:21:09 IDT 2010

There was a post earlier in the week about a family who was in a car crash,
and needs our tefillos. The seven children who were in the car are ok, B"h,
"just" minor injuries and scrapes, the father is still in intensive care in
rough shape, the mother has broken ribs, and is pregnant, so she cannot take
major pain killers. You can see a news article about the accident at
h-family-injured-in-I-81-rollover They were on their way home when a deer
ran in front of their car, and she swerved to avoid it, but the car
overturned several times. The husband was air lifted to the hospital. These
are very close friends of ours, and have already been through a lot- several
years ago the husband was very sick. PLEASE daven for Yehudah Pinchas ben
Osnah, and Shaindel Sora bad Rochel Leah. There is also a website that was
set up, www.rabbisimes.com asking people to take on an extra kabbalah for
Shabbos. Please, even if its something very simple, sign up to do one extra
thing for Shabbos, as a zechus for Yehuda's recovery. May we only hear
besoros tovos.

Ariel and Rachel Fish

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