[RBS] what are your teenagers doing this summer?

[RBS] what are your teenagers doing this summer?

Gabi Hammer gshammer at bezeqint.net
Tue Jul 6 18:31:52 IDT 2010

I don't know about all of you but my kids have only been home a couple of
weeks and are already driving me crazy!!


So they went to the movies in Yerushalayim one day (cost 100 shekel with bus
+ movie + food )  , they have been bowling (also 100 shekel) , played a lot
of computer and street ball and are now stuck with ideas of what to do.  



Finally we have a solution - UPGRADED ACHDUT with a program built for our
teenagers. There is zero for our teenagers to do in Bet shemesh so they have
come up with some great ideas for  our teens to do and have fun. This
Thursday they are going to Superland they are leaving at 3.00 pm and
returning late at night so even if your kids work in the morning and come
home with nothing to do in the afternoon it is a great option.  We don't
need to worry about transportation or anything. I even believe they are
supplying snacks. I think this a fantastic idea all in an organized
environment so we know where they are and with whom. Continuing on through
the summer they have lots of other organized activities and fun days so I
know my kids have something to look forward to . 


For more info check out the listing at   <http://www.pqpharm.com/aas.pdf>

or write to ruchieb at gmail.com for more info



from a local mum who is happy when her kids are happy!!

Gabi Hammer


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