[RBS] amazing discovery-everyone must read - about the Geuola

[RBS] amazing discovery-everyone must read - about the Geuola

yossi_lasry yossi_lasry at yahoo.ca
Thu Jul 8 15:35:04 IDT 2010

According to the Torah and our holy books, our sages say that each day of the week can be equated to 1,000 years of the Hebrew Calendar dating back from the creation of the world until today, as follows:
Sunday – 0 – 1000 C.E.
Monday –1000 C.E. – 2000 C.E.
Tuesday – 2000 C.E. – 3000 C.E.
Wednesday – 3000 C.E. –  4000 C.E.
Thursday – 4000 C.E. – 5000 C.E.
Friday – 5000 C.E. – 6000 C.E.
Shabbat – 6000 C.E. – 7000 C.E.
The Torah mandates that the proper time to say Mincha of Erev Shabbat is the 18th and a half hour of Yom Shishi (Friday, the 7th day of the week), which in the Hebrew Calendar starts upon sundown of Thursday night. This would translate into 12:30 pm Friday.
And what does that mean? The time for Mincha Gedola is when we are already under the influence of the Shabbat, we begin the connection with the spirituality of that sacred day. One can already go to the mikve, and should start preparing for the Shabbat.
Now let's calculate accordingly which year corresponds to Mincha Gdola of Shabbat Eve:
Friday  = 5000 C.E. –  6000 C.E.
Each hour is 1000/24 = 41,66666666 years
Beginning of Yom Shishi (Thursday night at 6pm) = 5000 C.E.
Friday (6am - half day) = 5500 C.E.
Friday (12pm - 6 hours later) = 5500 +(1000/24) = 5750 C.E.
Friday (12:30pm) = 5750+(41,66/2) = 5770,833333 C.E.  (this current year)
Let's see now what is the 0,833333 over the year 5770 C.E.
The year has 12 months:
Tishrei, Cheshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shvat, Adar, Nissan, Yiar, Sivan, Tamuz, Av, Elul
Another calculation:
10 = 12 months
.83333 =  x
10x = 12x0,83333
x= 0,99999999 meaning the 10th month (after finalizing the 10th month)
Tishrei (1)
Cheshvan (2)
Kislev (3)
Tevet (4)
Shvat (5)
Adar (6)
Nisan (7)
Yiar (8)
Sivan (9)
Tamuz (10)
After finalizing the 10th month,
Is the first day of the 11th month, the month of Av.
In other words, it's in ROSH CHODESH AV of 5770 when the first moments of the cosmic Mincha Gedola of the world will begin.
We can see that the upcoming Rosh Chodesh Av is a very special time for the receiving the Kedusha that emanates from these final moments before the Shabbat of the World, and cosmically, the preparation for a new Era.
It will be the highest moment, since Creation, that we are getting ready for the Shabbat time of the entire Creation. On ROSH CHODESH AV is the appropriate time to become more ready, more connected and more attached to the Creator of the world.
We know that for every positive force in the world there is a negative equivalent.
If there is Kedusha, than the Tumah side also must be there.
Since there is so much holiness being emanated in this time, in ROSH CHODESH AV , parallel to this, a not-so-holy event will be taking place.
Rosh Chodesh Av 5770.
Its equivalent date in the Gregorian Calendar is Sunday July 11th, at night after sundown, until sundown of July 12th.
The FINAL GAME OF THE WORLD CUP 2010  is scheduled for July 11th at 8:30pm  local time, in Johannesburg  - it will be on ROSH CHODESH AV!
The media is expecting an audience of more than 2,5 billion people around the world for this final game.
Almost HALF of the WORLD will be seating in front of the TV to watch 22 people running after a ball, on Rosh Chodesh Av, the MIncha Gedola of the Creation.
Nothing against SOCCER, but even though we can like and enjoy it, we all know that it sounds quite surreal that almost half of the population will be anxiously watching this game.
And especially, now that we just realized how special the first moments of this day will be, how can we be in peace with this thought?
Let's take this opportunity to re-think our priorities in life, and to try to use up more of the Kedusha vibes that will become available in the world at that time to energize our lives with true happiness, and not to let ourselves be fooled by the illusion of the mass-reaction of the ignorant happy bliss of one `goooal!!!'.
Think about it.

Lasry realty 050-8472747

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