[RBS] This Wednesday - Yom Iyun - "Halachah and Business in the Modern World."

[RBS] This Wednesday - Yom Iyun - "Halachah and Business in the Modern World."

mendyn mendy.newman at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 10:26:01 IDT 2010

We are excited to announce that THIS Wednesday there will be a evening Yom Iyun 
on "Halachah and Business in the Modern World."
Speakers include:
HaRav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg - Hilchot Onah (Price Gauging) (Ivrit)
HaRav Yosef Eliyahu - Buying Property on Paper (Ivrit)
Harav Avraham Zvi HaCohen - Ribit in Business (Ivrit)
Harav Chaim Zev Malinowitz - Setting Aside Time for Learning (English)
The event will begin at 4:00PM and run until 8:30PM (including Minchah and Arvit).
The event will be in the Ulam Smachot of  Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham - 34 Nachal Refaim RBS
Lite refreshments will be served.

The event is sponsored by TOV. 
(This is NOT a political event.)

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