[RBS] New Morning Gemara Chabura Starting Elul

[RBS] New Morning Gemara Chabura Starting Elul

Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham info2 at btya.org
Thu Jul 15 17:20:21 IDT 2010

Gemara Shabbos Chabura

Rabbi Eliezer Friedman, a musmach from YU who has learned under Rav
Schachter, Rav Rosenswieg, and Rav Parness, has offered to lead a chabura
learning Maseches Shabbos. Though this learning will not be done "Halacha
Le'maaseh," it will enable you to get the background to understand Hilchos

This importance of this process is described by the Chofetz Chaim in his
introduction to Mishna Berura.

Goal: For the group to cover 2 blatt a week with ample time for chazara.
Weekly bechinas will be given out after the Thursday shiur. 
It will be a very clear p'shat shiur. If time permits, the magid shiur may
add in relevant Tosfos, etc., but the main goal is to cover ground at a pace
which is not too demanding, to try to remember our learning, and to enjoy
the z'chus of learning Torah.

Schedule: Sunday & Monday shiur, then Tuesday chazara. Wednesday & Thursday
shiur, then Friday chazara.

Shabbos is for chazara on the two blatt learned that week and also for past

Length: approximately 45 minutes

Time of shiur: During morning seder at BTYA. Exact time will depend upon
what time is best for the participants.

For more information, please contact R' Naftali Rischall at cpa at post.com or
Rabbi Eliezer Friedman at eliezeryaakov at gmail.com, or stop by the BTYA Beis
Medrash during morning seder and speak with one of them in person.

The BTYA Torah Committee


Kehillas Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham, under the guidance of HoRav
Malinowitz, Shlit"a, is located in RBS A at Nachal Refaim 34A (corner of
Nachal Luz). 

For more information about our Kehilla, or to hear recorded shiurim, visit
us at www.btya.org.

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