[RBS] ISO apartment for sale on Lachish / Nachshon

[RBS] ISO apartment for sale on Lachish / Nachshon

Miriam Druyan miriam.druyan at gmail.com
Sun Jul 25 02:02:15 IDT 2010

Very long story short, close family friends (lovely people, you wish
they were your neighbors) are looking for an apartment to buy on
Lachish or Nachshon.

Like, um, now.

Need: 4 rooms, large mirpesset (a tiny garden is alright, but not a
huge one please), nice big airy living room area (she's a metapelet).
Elevator not required, but ideally no more than one flight up or down.

IN A PERFECT WORLD, an apartment in Nachshon 5, 7, 10 or 14, or on
Lachish between, say, 5 and 18, would be wonderful. I'd bake you a

Darling real estate agents who read this email: Feel free to tell me
you have something and I can ask my friends to call you, but I'm not
going to give you their number (sorry).

Blessing you in advance with many on time mortgage payments,

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