[RBS] If you want to change-YOU must be proactive- Train cancellation in August- time to speak up

[RBS] If you want to change-YOU must be proactive- Train cancellation in August- time to speak up

Adina and Charles Rosenstein cr1818 at netvision.net.il
Tue Jul 27 16:07:55 IDT 2010

I was asked to post this to the list so that everyone who is affected makes a call. Obviously, they believe there is not  a problem.
----- Original Message ----- 
>From Sonya Poss to Adina Rosenstein.

For what it is worth, I called Rakevet Yisrael this morning (03-6117000) 
They transfered me to "Kishrai Lkochot", where I spoke to Nadav, who said he is the "in charge" of the department. 

I explained to him that people were seriously inconvenienced when the train stopped the last time. 
That the bus is not a serious solution, as it travels through Ramle and takes an unreasonable amt of time to get to TLV. 
I reminded him that before there was a train to Beit Shemsh, there existed a line of Moniyot Sherut, in addition to the Ramle bus, and most people used those to get to work. 
I explained to him that every other city have other ways to get to Tel Aviv , that take about the same time as the train. 

He said he never realized before that Beit Shemesh is unique in that there is no "equivalent" alternative to their train service. 

BUT He got back to me an hour later saying that he contacted the Misrad Hatachbura (Transportation Ministry), 
but it would probably take them a long time to provide a solution (more Super buses/other solution). 

No amount of convincing THEM to take the initiative instead of counting on the Misrad Hatachbura seemed to help.  (like calling in a private bus line) 
AND  to top it off he claimed that no one else , as far as he knows has called in any complaints regarding this issue !!! 

I still think that if riders swamp them with phone calls, that something might happen "sooner".   CALL BOTH NUMBERS, THANKS 

Rakevet Yisrae (03-6117000) 
Transportation Ministry (02-666-3222) 

Sonya Poss
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