[RBS] want to improve your health or finances?

[RBS] want to improve your health or finances?

Daniel Sopher dasopher at gmail.com
Fri Jun 4 12:47:59 IDT 2010

Hi, I started a new business... Having  fun, helping people, and making
money, all part time !

After my wife's life changing  results with Nikkens' wellness
technologies, I decided to share the products with others and I have  become
a Wellness  Consultant.

The sleep system removes stress and allows your body to rejuvenate. The air
filtration system and water filtration system provide our family with a
quality of life  not possible while  living in an urban enviornment.  The
products and business are impossible to describe in a brief email.

Therefore ,come hear real people in our neighborhood give testimony  about
how the products have improved the quality of their life, and sample  them
 for yourself.

Learn from our presenters how they and I am turning this into a real
business with serious income.

Sunday night at my house Rehov Hachavazelet 6b 7:45 pm.

Daniel Sopher

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