[RBS] Mishmeret Tehillim for Danni Gaziel

[RBS] Mishmeret Tehillim for Danni Gaziel

Mandy & Danni Gaziel gazielmd at bezeqint.net
Wed Jun 9 09:41:55 IDT 2010

Hello to all


We are starting a new 40 day mishmeret of Tehillim for Danni, starting on
Wednesday night/Thursday - 9/10 June, 27 Sivan, ending erev Tisha B'av.  


B"H he is feeling ok, but we just feel that the mishmeret is something worth
doing.  If you are interested in joining (and please don't feel obligated -
only if you have time), please sign up by clicking the link below.


Just a few notes regarding the mishmeret:  It's very important, when taking
on the commitment to join the mishmeret, to say on the first day that you
intend to say Tehillim for Daniel Rachamim ben Gemara Margalit for 40 days,
Bli Neder.  If you forget a day, this is a serious halachik problem because
the commitment is binding (a neder), which is why saying Bli Neder is
If it happens that you forget, then it's recommended to say the prakim
again, when you remember (even if it means saying them twice in one day).
In addition, if you're worried about forgetting, it's a good idea to find a
friend or neighbour to use as a partner/back up to say the same perakim as

Also, please mention Daniel's name in your Shmone Esrei tefilla.


Please follow the Jewish day when saying the tehillim.


Thanks very much.

Mandy and fam



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