[RBS] Creative Responsible Licensed Teenager available to help in camp or babysit this summer

[RBS] Creative Responsible Licensed Teenager available to help in camp or babysit this summer

Adina and Charles Rosenstein cr1818 at netvision.net.il
Tue Jun 15 16:13:55 IDT 2010

What do we mean by licensed?
This bilingual teenager is taking a two week intensive course called Madrich  Shelach (Sadeh  L"om Chevra) Tzair, aka Mashatz course.
It is a very in depth course which includes hadracha courses and other skills needed to be a counselor.
After that, she will have  a certificate that would allow her to be a counselor in most matnasim, if there were openings.

So, she is available to be with your kids of all ages, including beloved babies,  or being a counselor if you are running a camp.

References are available.

Please email back to this address.

Adina Rosenstein
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