[RBS] Cloudy looking water

[RBS] Cloudy looking water

Ephrayim Naiman ejnaiman at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 15:47:16 IDT 2010

> Is there anyone else experiencing cloudy looking water from their taps?

According to the Iriya, there was some work done on the water lines
which let in air.
They claim that it'll take a few more days for this air to work its
way out of the system.
I have no idea if this is true or not - I asked one plumber who said:
"Could be" :-)

I think the quality of our water for things we can't see is probably scarier!

In any event, the Iriya says the bubbles should be gone by next week.
I recall this happening in the past and it did go away in a matter of
a week or two.

-Ephrayim Naiman
ejnaiman at gmail.com

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