[RBS] help a needy writer: answer these very simple questions!

[RBS] help a needy writer: answer these very simple questions!

Riva Pomerantz joelriva at bezeqint.net
Sun Jun 27 21:10:17 IDT 2010

Hi Everyone,


Help me out here, if you can, by answering these questions and emailing them
to riva at feldheim.com. To be eligible to answer the first part of these
questions, you'd have to have made at least one simcha, anywhere in the
world, preferably a bar mitzvah and/or wedding. To be eligible for the
second part, you'd need to have been slighted by a friend not inviting you
to his/her simcha.


Please let me know, on your email, if I may use your real name or if you'd
prefer to be anonymous. Thanks in advance!


1.	How did you compile your guest list for your simcha? (Eg. Looked
through the phone book and checked off everyone I knew; Put up notices in
Shul; Only invited select friends)
2.	Why did you choose this method?
3.	Did you take into account the people who invited you to their
simchas? How much of that played a role in compiling the list?
4.	Did you feel like your guest list encompassed all the people you
should have invited, from a social standpoint?
5.	Were there people you would have liked to invite but couldn't, due
to financial or space constraints? How did you feel about that or navigate
around that?
6.	Did you find out later that some people were hurt not to have
received an invitation? If so, how did you handle that?
7.	Did you ever find yourself not invited to a simcha you felt you
should have been invited to? Why did you feel you should have been invited
to this particular simcha? What did you do about it?
8.	How do you think it's best to compile invitation lists to minimize
hurt feelings?
9.	Any creative thoughts on this topic?


All answers truly appreciated!


Take care,



Write on. Visit www.rivapomerantz.com!



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